About SFC

Swedish Gasification Centre - SFC

The Swedish Centre for Biomass Gasification (SFC) is a Centre of Excellence, created to coordinate and support established Swedish research in the area of biomass gasification SFC is therefore an important national actor for developing new knowledge needed to reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuels and for reducing our net emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The research program, which started in the year 2011, is a 10-year program with a total budget of 540 million SEK (approximately 54 million Euros).

The Centre consists of three independent research nodes that focus on technologies relevant to industrial interests, namely indirect fluidized bed gasification, entrained flow gasification, direct fluidized bed gasification and gas cleaning and conditioning.

In addition to scientific and technical research, SFC also educates engineers and researchers in the area of gasification to provide competence to the industry.

Process plant
Process plant for production of BioDME via black liquor gasification. Photo: Tomas Bergman

SFC organization

SFC is organized as a distributed centre with Luleå University of Technology (LTU) as a host university. LTU appoints a Director of SFC with the responsibility for the overall coordination of three autonomous research nodes. Each node focuses on different gasification principles and is led by a node leader. The three node leaders, the Director and one industrial representative form a Management group, whose main task is to exploit synergies between the research nodes and to plan and carry out activities of common interest. The Director is rapporteur in a Program Advisory Board consisting of two representatives from each research node and an independent chairman. An international Scientific Council provides support and feedback to the SFC researchers via the Director and the Program Advisory Board.

The SFC Program Management Team consist of:
• Joakim Lundgren, Professor, Luleå University of Technology, Head of SFC
• Henrik Thunman, Professor, Chalmers University of Technology, Node leader CIGB
• Klas Engvall, Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Node leader Cleansyngas
• Rikard Gebart and Kentaro Umeki, Professors, Luleå University of Technology, Node leaders Bio4Gasification
• Lars Waldheim, Waldheim Consulting, Industrial representative

Organisation figur
SFC organizational chart.

The SFC Program Advisory board consists of:

Måns Collin, Chairman, Independent

Marcus Öhman, Luleå University of Technology

Jenny Larfeldt, Siemens

Carina Lagergren, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Michael Bartlett, Phoenix Biopower

Britt-Marie Steenari, Chalmers

Claes Breitholz, Valmet

The Scientific Council of SFC consists of:

Hermann Hofbauer, Professor, TU Wien, Austria

Kevin Whitty, Professor, University of Utah, USA

Stakeholders and partners to SFC

Universities, institutes and authorities

The following universities, institutes and authorities participate in and co-fund SFC.


The following companies are part in SFC and co-fund the program.


Among others, SFC collaborates with the following national and international institutions and actors.